The next Labs Night will be held on Thursday, Februrary 25, at the Wikimedia HQ in San Francisco. The Wikimedia Foundation was generous enough to offer the use of their space for the evening, and I’m a big fan of their work so I’m pretty excited about the chance to do a joint event with them.

More information is on the main Labs blog. If you would like to attend, you should sign up through the Meetup page. Finally, if you would like to give a lightning talk about your project at the Labs Night (and yes, this is an open invitation to anyone who has something cool to show off) then you should add yourself to this wiki page.

See you there!

We’re having a Labs Night tomorrow evening, starting at 6pm PST, at the Mozilla Mountain View office. It’s the first one in a while.

Jinghua, Blake, and I will be presenting some Test Pilot results there. It should be pretty fun. There’s free food, too, as long as you sign up in advance.

See you there!

Hi everybody,

Just a quick note that there will be a Labs night tomorrow night (May 28) in San Francisco. See the link for time and location details.

The main topic will be about the newest Mozilla Labs experiment, Jetpack, which is Kind Of A Big Deal.

If you’re in the area, please stop by!

Last night was the monthly Mozilla Labs open house for July. Atul, Aza and I gave a presentation about our ongoing project, working title Ubiquity.

What is Ubiquity? It’s a Firefox extension which gives you an easy way to create, share, and use commands — tiny snippets of Javascript that do cool stuff with the Web. Commands can act on web content that you select with a mouse, or on information detected in a page in a microformat, or on arguments that you type in. A command that you create can be shared with others simply by giving them the URL to a Javascript file. Commands will be exposed in multiple ways: You’ll be able to choose a command from the context-menu (the one that pops up when you right-click on web content), but also, for more involved use-cases, there will be a linguistic UI that lets you type what you want to do. We’re still in the very early stage of development, but those are our plans, in a nutshell. Atul gives a much better explanation than I can.
