Design Lunch tomorrow will feature Dave Herman presenting on the topic of Javascript modules. Dave writes:

“I’ve started working in earnest on a strawman proposal for a module system, which I believe JavaScript desperately needs.”

The design lunch starts at 12:30pm Pacific time.

During the dicussion, there will be a conference call set up, so that anyone who is interested will be able to call in, to ask questions, offer suggestions, or just to lurk and listen. Instructions for calling in are on the Design Lunch wiki page. (There is a toll-free number to get into the Mozilla conference call system, which works even from Skype.)

In the past, I’ve only sporadically turned on the conference call system for Design Lunches, but from now on I’m going to start using it for every Design Lunch. The conference room number will always be the same, 346. I hope this will make it easier for members of the community outside of Mountain View to participate.

Tomorrow’s topic ought to be of interest to anyone working in Javascript, since a good module system could make Javascript development a whole lot easier. So call in or drop by and let us know your thoughts!

Next week’s Design Lunch will feature Aakash Desai presenting on the update. You can find out the schedule of upcoming topics, or propose a topic of your own, on the wiki.